Progress Reports

Progress Reports

Progress Reports

2018 Digital Guiding Principles

In 2012, the leading global producers of beer, wine and spirits made a collective commitment to build on their long-standing efforts to reduce harmful drinking through the Beer, Wine and Spirits Producers’ Commitments. In recognition of the serious effects that the harmful use of alcohol can have, these producers wished to demonstrate their support of international efforts to improve health and social outcomes for individuals, families and communities through a set of Five Commitments over five years. Although the five year period has come to an end, producers remain committed to continuing the spirit of the Five Commitments and the 10 action areas.

2017 Producers Commitments report

2016 Producers Commitments report

2015 Producers Commitments report

2014 Producers Commitments report

2013 Producers Commitments report


Drink-driving Prevention Initiatives

2017 Drink Drive report

2016 Drink Drive report